About us

This hastily thrown-together skeleton page will contain information about the Bush Wood Conservation Group now renamed Friends of Bush Wood - established 18th September 2013. Our aims.

See this site for details of the rich diversity of tree and plant life in Bush Wood. Tawny Owl

Photo: Joe Pell

We have the support and guidance of Forest Keepers of the Corporation of London, and connections with other local groups, including

For more information, contact the co-ordinator, 07931 546660

Recent projects have included:

Note that this woodland has always been managed, until quite recently with the help of cattle. (We are the new cows!)


Latest work-party date:

We'll need to have a meeting soon to map out what we can usefully do through the Spring - watch this space!

Updated: 18 Feb 2014

"Our" Area

aerial shot
December work party


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Our latest work party on Sunday 9th February has to be the last before the start of the nesting season restricts this sort of clearance. Eleven of us turned out, including a couple of very welcome young people, and under Thibaud's guidance we cut back brambles. Some had been encroaching onto the major path which runs between the South-East corner of the Quaker burial ground and Evelyn's Avenue, and some had been overtaking a natural clearing nearby (this should hopefully benefit butterflies). A couple of enthusiastic hackers re-opened up a (short) minor path close by - it's been decided after advice not to do more of this, as it could lead to disturbance of wildlife by the curious, and by dogs.

What we're doing has recently been questioned by one concerned local resident. Questioning what we do is not unwelcome. Find out more, and my own response, here.

We'll need a meeting soon to thrash out where we go from here, and what can be done without disturbing nesting birdlife. Expect an email soon if you're on the mailing list, and if you're not, let me have contact details if you want to influence what's done.

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